Kaiser Chiefs invested the legendary venue of the Olympia last night accompanied by two opening acts: Transfer and Tribes. It was the last date of their European tour and the occasion they set fire!
First the Californians Transfer came on stage in front of an audience more or less receptive. Being the opening act is never easy but they did a great job, they were good and managed to capture the public's attention.
Then it was Tribes' turn. They came straight from England and they had the difficult task of being the second opening act. The audience was attentive to Transfer but for Tribes it was different. I have to say that it was 8:45p.m when the boys came on stage, we realized that we had to wait again for Kaiser Chiefs gig!
Musically it was not bad but the singer's voice was a bit too garish. I discovered that I've already knew them because when I lived in London some of their songs were played on the radio such as Saffo or When My Day Comes. But obviously French people did not know them.
It is a little more than 9:30 p.m. when Kaiser Chiefs made its entrance with Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. The first notes of Everyday I Love You Less And Less immediately made the crowd as mad as Ricky Wilson, the singer was. He did not hesitate to approach the mosh pit at the start of the show and kept more surprises in store for later.

The English from Leeds sang lots of hits, also after the concert I heard someone saying "I did not think they had as many hits, I knew almost everything". I must say that the setlist included mostly songs from their debut album Employment in the detriment of those from The Future is Medieval whose fans were involved in picking the tracklist. Ricky Wilson did not hesitate to play with his audience, whether from a general point of view or by giving personal items to specific individuals. The fans knew all the songs, so they had the choirs on The Angry Mob, Na Na Na Na Naa and Oh My God. It reigned a great atmosphere in the mosh pit, everybody was jumping in unison on almost every song!
I found the setlist a bit short (17 songs) when you know they have four albums to their credit, a show of just 1h30. But the show was worth it! To see Ricky Wilson so full of energy jumping and running around, I can understand that perhaps the show was that "short". He went for a walk on the floor near the balcony, singing and best of all, he took himself for Moïse! During Oh My God in the encore he asked the mosh pit to split into two parts, he joined us maintaining the separation, he even sat down and stretched between us. Then, after a countdown, the mosh pit closed itself, huge pogos erupted and Ricky Wislon took part of this craziness!
To be brief, an explosive concert, it's nice to see a band that gives that much on stage! Their set was one of my favorites ones of summer festivals (I saw them at Hard Rock Calling and Main Square), last night they proved they can sold out venues by themselves providing a show as huge as they do when they headline festivals. Why not the Zenith next time?I filmed some songs that are on Youtube, crowd movements were quite muscular so I do not guarantee a perfect picture.
Everyday I Love You Less and Less
Never Miss A Beat
Little Shocks
Everything Is Average Nowadays
Good Days Bad Days
Put Me On The Cover Of Your Magazine
Modern Way
Man On Mars
The Angry Mob
Na Na Na Na Naa
Starts With Nothing
I Predict a Riot
Kinda Girl You Are
Take My Temperature
Love's Not a Competition (But I'm Winning)
Oh My God
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